Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our New Dublin Home | Personal.

In a couple days, Max and I will have been in our apartment for an entire month and can I just say, that it's been the best month EVER. We've made dinners, washed clothes, scrubbed sinks, hung photos, bought a couch and actually alphabetized all of our DVDs - and it's all been together. Today we decided that we needed to get out of the house, so we decided to go on a walk and explore our new home's surroundings. At the last minute, I decided to grab my camera in case we stumbled across anything awesome. 

I am so glad I decided to bring the dang camera. Fellow photographers, professors and professionals have always told me to carry my camera with me wherever I go, JUST. IN. CASE. Today's blog post is to not only hammer this point in my head even more than I already have, but to show you all just how absolutely amazing the Dublin community is! 

...Also, always bring a loving soul to model for you.

I'm so beyond lucky I have this guy to always go stand wherever I am pointing and stare into my lens for a couple seconds. Yes, he probably is the most photographed man on the planet but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way - I cherish every single photograph that I create.  

This week has not failed to remind me that every day is a blessing. Please never forget to tell your loved ones how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Never go to bed angry and never hold a grudge. Always offer a friendly smile because you never know who's day you could brighten in just one single second. I hope you all have a beautiful week and an even greater weekend. 

xoxo - tylar

Friday, September 13, 2013

I'm Back! | Editorial.

"Holy Smokes" is the only phrase that I can think of to describe my past couple of weeks since I last posted. Lets see, I have - moved into my first apartment, went to see the FUN. summer nights tour, met Maddie the coonhound and her amazing human Theron in San Francisco, and started my very last semester at the Academy of Art University! hello, graduation! - but the greatest event of all? I GOT HIRED BY SEAMLESS.COM! I know, only half of you know what seamless even is. Go download the app for your smartphone and prepare to be amazed (but slightly lazy). For you can now order takeout from your couch and have it delivered straight to your house. I know, right? Plus, you get to admire my photos from the comfort of your own couch...kidding. 

So I have been running all around the Bay Area these past couple of weeks - along with trying to keep up with laundry, buying towels, washing dishes, decorating walls and trying to find the perfect record player. I am so excited to be back and to keep sharing my photo adventures with you all! Here are a few photos that probably explain my adventures better than my words ever could. I hope you all have an amazing weekend! xo

Here come the food photos from Seamless. Best part of the job? I get to eat it or take it all home after. I know, I should probably start some sort of diet blog also...